Does God still heal people from illness? Yes
Does God heal every Physical illness in this life? No


Our God is all-powerful, gracious and almighty. He is capable of healing any sickness, including cancer and pandemic diseases. He is capable of raising the dead back to life. He did it in the past and He can still do it. Does God still heal people? Yes. If you have any so-called faith and pray for healing, will God surely heal your disease? No. God can choose to heal you physically or may let your illness or pain remain, to make you receive higher and greater Eternal benefits.

It would be false teaching to say that God will solve every problem, heal every sickness and make you live a comfortable problem-free life in this world always. Jesus said that we will have tribulation in this world.

God has a purpose for every problem, every illness, every struggle and every blessing. He has not promised a problem-free life but has promised that all things in a believer's life will ultimately work for their Eternal good. 

If you have God with you, there is nothing to be worried about. We have the greatest GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE.

This life is for a while and we all will die physically one day. So, surrender it to God and see how beautiful it becomes. What is more excellent than becoming more like Christ?

Bible characters who suffered injustice:

1) Joseph's Suffering

Joseph suffered injustice after injustice. But, one important thing t notice is that the Bible records the words "The Lord was with Joseph", over and over again, throughout his tough times.

2) Job's Suffering

It was our merciful God who initiated and allowed Job's suffering.

Yet, we know that it was Job's good and God's glory.

3) Psalmist's Suffering

The Psalmists have recorded that the righteous(who possess the righteousness of God through Faith) suffer much while the wicked people prosper and enjoy their lives. They then recollect the end of the wicked and thank God for his mercies. We must have a heavenly perspective, to get through the struggles of this life without rebelling against God.

3) Apostle's Suffering

In the New Testament times, in the early Church, almost all the Apostles and many godly men suffered and died a cruel death.

This Post: Does God heal every sickness?

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